
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is #1 at the Box Office and Peter Jackson and company reign supreme again! It was of no real surprise to anyone that the film would be in the top position, but it’s great to hear that The Hobbit was the #1 movie of any December release of all time! It opened with 84.7mil, destroying I am Legend’s 77.2mil previous December record!

The Hobbit was the first time a movie has ever been released in the 48fps HFR format. All together, the film had 7 formats that were released and could attribute to the Box Office success. I believe it’s just because people love real fantasy and it showed! The rest of the top 5 rounded with Rise of the Guardians making another 7mil, and ending with Life of Pi with 5mil.

 Title Weekend Total
1.  The Hobbit $84,775,000 $84.7
2.  Rise of the Guardians $7,420,000 $71.3
3.  Lincoln $7,244,000 $107.8
4.  Skyfall $7,000,000 $272.3
5.  Life of Pi $5,400,000 $64.5
6.  Breaking Dawn Part 2 $5,175,000 $276.8
7.  Wreck-It Ralph $3,273,000 $168.7
8.  Playing for Keeps $3,247,000 $10.8
9.  Red Dawn $2,394,000 $40.8
10.  Silver Linings Playbook $2,084,000 $16.9

Next week, the only feasible competition would be Monsters, Inc‘s re-release in 3D. The movie should make some big cash, with the release of Monsters University next year, and Little Nemo and Brave doing so good for Pixar. My thoughts are that The Hobbit will be #1 again and could possibly make even more money from word-of-mouth advertising.

