Hey Towelites! In 88 days Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters!!! To get you ready for the film and also paint a colorful world in that galaxy far, far away, Lucasfilm and Disney are promoting their ‘Journey to The Last Jedi‘ initiative. Delivering great storytelling through books and comics, you can get a jump start on what’s to come when Episode VIII arrives this December. Here are some of the books I recommend you pick up to start your Journey!

Captain Phasma – Everyone’s favorite chrome colored Stormtrooper will have an expanded role when we pick up this December. To get you ready there are two different stories to read. First up is the novel, Phasma, written by Delilah S. Dawson which gives you Phasma’s backstory. Personally I’m about 1/4 through this book and I am enjoying it thoroughly. Second, Marvel of course has a mini-series based on Phasma. This four issue run is by creative team Kelly Thompson and Marco Checchetto delves into bridging the events of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi and how Phasma got out of that embarrassing garbage shoot incident. Both of these stories are the meat of what “The Journey” is offering this year so get on it!

Leia: Princess of Alderaan – The one thing that Lucasfilm and Disney have been delivering on is the quality of their young adult novels. From Lost Stars to Rebel Rising to Ahsoka, each of these stories have added a level of storytelling that not only is a great entry level into Star Wars reading but also delivers some important in-cannon events and backstory that enrich the universe as it grows. With The Last Jedi sadly being Carrie Fisher‘s final film, this book is a great tribute to the character we all love. It is also by Claudia Gray who has been doing an amazing job with her Star Wars stories so far! If you have not read Bloodlines as of yet, do so immediately.

The Legends of Luke Skywalker – Take one more step and you have the amazing junior novels that are even sparking the interest of long time adult fans like myself. One of the biggest mysteries of the Star Wars universe right now is what happened to everyone’s favorite Jedi Master between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. This novella has me really interested because each part of the book is told from a different perspective!

Canto Bight – I have been waiting for more of these types of books. Growing up I loved anthology novels like Tales from Jabba’s Palace, Tales of the Bounty Hunters and Tales from Mos Eisley Cantina. Initially for The Force Awakens we received a bunch of individual e-books based on different aliens, these stories were eventually collected into a hardcover. This time around we are being introduced to a new planet called Canto Bight through four different stories which will paint a picture for us before we experience it on the big screen.

Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know (Updated & Expanded) – Who doesn’t love a good reference book? You know those things you used before Wikipedia?! Growing up it’s how I learned about Star Wars and gained the vast amount of knowledge which is now obsolete, so now it’s time to unlearn what I have learned. Take note not to over buy when it comes to these types of books. There will be a lot of rehashed info covering a lot of what came before and may be redundant. Choose wisely.

Happy reading and may the Force be with you!